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"Where one thing falls another grows. Maybe not what was there before, but something new and wonderful all the same"



The meaning behind my rabbitry has a pretty special meaning to it, and if you give me a minute or so of your time. I would love to explain it to you. 


It all starts with me as a 12 year old little girl, a lover of animals. A warm soul always seeing the bright side of everything around me. I was homeschooled and at the time was doing 4-H. I was at what they call "". Where you get to show off all your talents before the big fairs. Whatever talent you can think of; it was there. I was doing a baking competition, I was waiting for my cookies to be done in the oven when I went into the hall of the building where people were selling their small animal stock. I wasn't looking for an animal but I always loved to stop and check them out. Hold one if I was allowed. This little lopped bunny caught my eyes, the lady allowed me to hold him. The moment I held him I knew he had to be mine.(Funny thing is I thought it was a girl). I brought him to my mom to show her the cuteness, begging her if I could have him. She wasnt sure if I was ready for another animal as well as I had to get permission from my dad. So my mom went and got my dad, he then informed me that if I pay for him then i could have him. So I rushed home with my dad to get the stash of quarters that I had. And I rushed back and handed the coins over to the lady, when she happened to inform me that the bunny I wanted was a boy and not a girl. Though I didn't care, all I knew is that rabbit was mine. Though little did I know how much he would change my life forever!















His name is Thumper, my mini lop. I had no idea what to feed him, what he needed. All i knew was that he was mine, and I would take care of him. My 4-H leader let me have this barn carrier that her husband made. It was small but it would do the job til I got him something bigger. But that cage became the way we bonded. My dad advanced me to let him come to me. Not to reach into the cage. I listened. And that slowly created a bond with Thumper and I. He would see me and come running to the door of the cage because he knew I wasn't coming to harm him. He was the best bunny.  


A year later my little sister was born, Faith Grace, and she was a miracle in herself. That is a whole other story!

She grew up with Thumper as well as my other animals; Lady, Buggies, Jackson, and later Lilly. Loving the animals almost as much as I did. Me and Faith always were close, doing everything together. She was my whole world, besides Thumper of course :)





Time flew by, I became a teenager, a freshmen in high school. When I decided I wanted to raise rabbits. Somehow I decided on Holland Lops, and found Holland Lop Hollow(they don't breed anymore). They set me up with my first Holland Lop Doe. We named her Hope. In hope that my rabbitry would take off. And I named my rabbitry at the time "Faith with Grace Hollow" dedicating it to my little sister :)



















Hope grew to be a wonderful mama, she gave me one litter and then sadly passed away shortly after. To unknown causes. Tho by the grace of God I kept a beautiful does from her and she was in my herd until the very end of my first round of the life of breeding and raising Holland Lops! Alot of life lessons and the main source of my faith in God. I belive that he put Thumper in my life knowing i would want more rabbits, which led to my rabbitry, which lead to those lessons I wouldn't have learned any other way. 

Here is her Hope's daughter, you will see her through out this website. She was the sweetest mama!













And from there my love for rabbits grew, and I bought more Hollands, started even showing, but then December of 2015. Thumper died unexpectly. No one saw it coming; I didn't even get to say good bye due to there being no warning. From that day on, something changed in me. I couldn't seem to find joy in the hobby. Just being in the shed without Thumper was just to much.  So I said goodbye to the hobby never thinking of going back. 









And now, here I am, 2021, starting all over again with the passion inside me again. Due to my mom encuraging me to restart it back up due to me wanting to try to be a stay home mom. But the night I bought my first Holland Lop(Woody) for this new rabbitry, I had a dream. 

Thumper came down from the heavens as a outline of stars, looking at me, he smiled. In front of him was little woody(my broken blue buck). Woody looked scared, glacing back and forth from me to Thumper.  Thumper gently pressed him nose to Woodys and I heard him say " I can't be with her anymore"-as he looked at me with love in his eyes but a hint of sorrow- "She needs someone to be there for her. Do you think you can take care of her for me?" Woody then postured himself up right. A surge of pride overcame him. He bowed him little head to Thumper as he proudly responded "You can count on me sir!" Thumper then chuckled as he hopped up into the air, leaving star dust with each hop. Thumper hopped towards me, circling me, pressing his face into my cheek. He bounced up towards the heaven leaving behind the feeling of love and comfort. I then looked down feeling something on my feet, Looking down was little Woody looking up at me with nothing but pure love. Just like Thumper had.

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This is moments after I bought him!

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